Objective: Improve health, dignity, and school attendance through enhanced water and sanitation infrastructure.
Access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities is critical for the well-being of schoolchildren. Poor hygiene can lead to illnesses, increased absenteeism, and even school dropouts, especially among girls. Siren Africa’s interventions include:
Siren Africa transformed Rock Primary School’s unhygienic pit latrines into modern VIP (Ventilated Improved Pit) toilets. These facilities are designed with inclusivity in mind, featuring accommodations for children with disabilities and menstrual hygiene support for girls.
Many girls miss school during their menstrual cycles due to a lack of proper facilities. Siren Africa’s projects ensure that girls have safe, private spaces, complete with disposal systems and access to sanitary supplies.
To complement sanitation projects, Siren Africa is working to provide schools with reliable access to clean water. This includes installing boreholes, water tanks, and filtration systems to ensure safe drinking and washing water.
Siren Africa actively engages with donors, local communities, and government bodies to secure funding and resources for expanding these projects. Plans are underway to replicate the success of Rock Primary School in other institutions across the region.
Improved sanitation leads to healthier students, reduced absenteeism, and better academic performance. Moreover, the focus on inclusivity ensures that no child is left behind due to physical or social challenges.